I recently gave a talk highlighting the intractable situation in the Middle East. Israel and Hamas, is there a peaceful way forward? Not that I can see. These sorts of soul-crushing realities are profoundly damaging to many people of faith, myself included. What is the Christian supposed to do in the midst of intractable situations? I encourage you to listen to the sermon below. Much of the material from this talk is derived from my book Escaping the Mortal Cage. You can purchase your copy here. E-book, print copy, or Audible are all available for you.
Not Everyone Thought Genocide Was a Good Idea
Not Everyone Thought Genocide Was A Good Idea Spain was at one time a global superpower. Their time to shine was from 1519-1682. They shined
2 Responses
Such a difficult situation
On the same theme.Story heard from Swedish priest.
Wondering about the Israel-Palestine conflict:
“Oh dear God will this problem ever be solved? “!
God’s answer” If you ask me, not in my lifetime “