I Live in a Post-Apocalyptic Movie
I no longer need to watch post-apocalyptic movies; I live in one. Every day, as I walk to work, I live in a world of Mad Max, minus the pyrotechnics, monster trucks and the chance for a glorious entrance into Valhalla. The first man I see today has no legs.
Do You Love Sports?
Push yourself to the limit. Fight through fatigue and pain. Don’t give up, keep going, don’t stop, persevere. Race against the clock. Race against the guy in front of you. Swim through the pack, take a foot to the face, swallow some lake water, keep swimming. Reach, pull,
I’d Rather Be Dead Than Look Like You. Eating Disorder Update #4
On June 23, 2022, I journaled the first inklings of odd behaviour in Tikki. With some admiration, I noted that our activist daughter, in trying to save the planet, had fed us banana peel curry. She watched as we tried to choke it down but ate nothing herself.
Crow Induced Mussle-Bombs and My Growing Affection for the Corvus Bird
The crack of something hard hitting the pavement behind me pulls me from my quiet reflections, but I’m not startled; I already know what it is. Enterprising crows have found an ingenious way to grab breakfast. The jagged rocks that line this sliver of ocean cutting through
Horney but Deadly Aliens & Cigarette Fishing
She’s dancing in the street. She hears music no one else does; the street is her stage, and the cars piling up are her unwilling audience. As she sways and grooves to the sounds in her head, she offers pointed gestures to the vehicles—gesticulations without de-escalation in mind. Her